Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

If you were asked how you're going to "celebrate" Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, chances are you would not enthusiastically shout out "I believe I'll schedule a prostate screening!!"

Just thinking of having a prostate screening may make you shift uncomfortably in your seat. Even if you're female. But what if a recent study showed that a screening improves your survival odds by 50% ? And what if the screening was absolutely free? Would that make a difference?  Well, it has, and it is. So now you have no excuse.

Where, you ask, would you find such a fantastic deal? Why, right here at Hope Cancer Resources!  We are offering free prostrate screenings September 21st with four of the area's finest urologists, and you are invited to participate.  Screenings will begin at 6p.m.

A screening consists of a brief visit with a doctor, then a quick draw of blood for some lab work, and you're out the door.  It would take you more time to stand in line at Starbucks for a Vente Caffe Macchiato. And those won't save your life. Except, perhaps, on certain Monday mornings...

So man up, give us a call, and get a time scheduled. What's a little discomfort, compared to a long and healthy life? For more info and to schedule a screening, call us at 479-361-5847.

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