Monday, August 22, 2011

From the Trenches

It's all well and good for us to provide you with advice about things like cancer prevention, stress management, and caring for a loved one who's been diagnosed with cancer. Based on our experience with patients in the clinic and the information we gather from other sources, we feel comfortable acting as a kind of authority on these subjects. But sometimes the best advice comes from the people who have actually been through this fight - survivors. recently asked this question on Facebook...
"If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice on the day you were diagnosed with cancer, what would it be?"
Some of the responses were very poignant and moving, others more practical. Some, like the ones that encourage lots of research vs. the ones that discourage looking at statistics, are even contradictory. We've chosen some to share and would love to know...what would your advice be?
"research, research, research"

"Try to remain as positive as possible."

"Don't make any decisions in haste. Take the time to process the choices and the outcomes."

"let people help"

"Costume wigs are cheaper and more fun."

"Take better notes. Never go to an appointment alone... Let people help you."

"Get the prescriptions for anti-nausea meds and take them before you need them."

"Remember to breathe."

"Tell people your situation."

"Take a family member/friend with you so you don't have to hear the news alone."

"Believe that God will get me through this ... Always get a second treatment opinion... Don't read statistics!"

"Stay calm, it's NOT a death sentence! :)"

"To remember that, in some ways, the diagnosis is a gift, even if it doesn't feel like one: I know how precious life is."

"Keep a journal. Jot down all subsequent doctor's visits, tests, etc."

"Educate yourself, ask questions, have your voice heard."

"Be comfortable with your choice of oncologist. If the doctor doesn't feel like a fit for you, find someone else BEFORE you start any chemotherapy and/or radiation."

"Don't let panic set in."

"Don't worry about things you cannot change. Be happy for each day no matter how mundane it may be."

"My husband would give himself the same piece of advice he has lived with since being diagnosed with brain cancer five years ago. Never let it win!!"

"Don't believe anyone who says a needle biopsy of any kind is just 'a little prick.'"

"Become selfish! No second chance." 

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